Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester

Keep up to date with your Educational Plan! Meet with a counselor to check your academic progress!

Welcome to the Fullerton College Career Education Resources Page 

The following page of information, documents, and links is solely for the use of Fullerton College Counselors and Counseling Department Staff and should not be utilized by anyone other than the aforementioned.  The purpose is to house commonly referred to information, documents, and links to make our jobs easier.  Please feel free to contact ehebert@fullcoll.edu for things you would like to see added and/or any suggestions and thoughts.

Career Education Resources

Fullerton College Career Education/CTE Website
Certificate Information: Residency, Graduation, Course Substitutions

Applying for a Certificate

Students earning a certificate can be directed to the instructional division responsible for overseeing the certificate program for application instructions and guidance regarding substitutions.  Generally, students are advised to apply for their certificate after all courses required for the certificate are completed and posted to their transcript. Students are also advised to seek guidance on substitutions from program coordinators and deans.

(Cosmetology Certificate students do not need to apply for the certificate.)

Business/CIS Division:

BUS/CIS Division Certificate Residency Requirements:

  • At least one course being used towards the certificate must be taken at Fullerton College (this does not apply to Paralegal Studies Program).
  • Paralegal Studies Program requires that all required courses be taken at Fullerton College.  6 units of equivalent elective courses at another ABA-approved college may be transferred.

BUS/CIS Division Certificate Applications:

  • Certificate Applications and the Petition to Substitute Certificate Requirements form are currently available on the BUS/CIS Division’s website under their respective programs.
  • Advise students to only submit the certificate graduation application when “all” grades are noted on the application, and after petition to substitute certificate requirements forms are approved (if applicable).
  • BUS/CIS Certificate application deadlines:
      • Fall completion due by January 1
      • Spring completion due by June 1
      • Summer completion due by September 1

BUS/CIS Division Petition to Substitute Certificate Requirements form:

  • Should be submitted whenever a student uses courses that are not listed on the certificate (regardless of equivalency determined by C-ID’s or previous evaluations).
  • Courses from other colleges being used must have official transcripts from these institutions on file with the Office of Admissions and Records at Fullerton College.
  • A copy of the unofficial transcript(s) and course description(s) must accompany the Petition to Substitute Certificate Requirements form regardless of whether or not the official transcript is on file with Admissions and Records.

Fine Arts Division:

CERTIFICATE APPLICATION for Fine Arts Division Programs. Students may also submit their completed application along with a copy of their unofficial transcripts to Olivia Perez OPerez@fullcoll.edu in the Fine Arts Division. Students can expect to receive their certificate within 6 weeks after submitting their application.

Advise to only submit the certificate graduation application when “all” grades are noted on the application and after substitute certificate requirements have been approved by the faculty person that oversees the certificate program. 

Course substitutions need to be approved by the appropriate faculty member who serves as the main contact for the certificate program in which they are applying for. If the faculty member approves, she/he will email Olivia Perez and let her know which substitutions are approved. There isn’t a separate form to complete for this.  If a faculty member is unavailable, the Dean will review the substitution request and make the determination. Contact information for department faculty, coordinators and dean is found on the Fine Arts Division website.  If a course is being used from another college as a course substitution, then official transcripts need to be on file with A & R.

There isn’t a set deadline for course substitutions as they are usually done before the student submits the applications. Certificates are processed at the end of every semester.

Residency for Fine Arts Division Certificates: Students must have completed at least 50% of the courses required for the certificate at Fullerton or Cypress College.

Natural Sciences Division:

Students can obtain certificate applications from Biotech and Foods and Nutrition program instructors and Horticulture Lab Tech.

    • Biotechnology: Spiridon Dimitratos, and Kimberly Rosales.
    • Foods and Nutrition: Rita Higgins, Colleen Kvaska, Kristy Richardson, and Michelle Loy.
    • Horticulture, Edward Kim, EKim@fullcoll.edu

The following steps apply to Biotech and Food and Nutrition Certificates only. Once students have the application, they must do the following:

    1. Make sure that all information on the application is legible!
    2. Attach unofficial transcripts with all completed courses (courses in progress are not accepted).
    3. If they are finishing up classes that are needed for the certificate, they can submit the application two weeks after the semester ends, as most grades are posted by that time.
    4. If they are using course substitutions, they will need to seek approval from the Department Coordinators of their certificate program (Spiridon Dimitratos for Biotech and Rita Higgins for Foods and Nutrition). I will need the substitutions in writing (email from either coordinator is sufficient). If using courses from other colleges, they will need the acceptance from the coordinators and provide unofficial transcripts with the application for verification.
    5. Residency Requirement is that they have taken at least 2 of the required, not elective, courses at Fullerton College.
    6. All applications are submitted to Antoinette Triefenbach <ATriefenbach@fullcoll.edu> either in person, or via Email. Right now with COVID email is the best way.

After submission and acceptance, it takes about a month to receive the certificate in the mail. This may change as we get back to being on campus, and if we move to being more of an electronic process vs. campus mail for signatures.

Physical Education Division:

Where can students get their certificate applications? The certificate application is available in the PE Division Office, Room 1206, or may be emailed to the students. 

Do you accept a certificate application if a student has classes still in progress that they are planning to use towards the certificate? We do not accept a certificate application until all classes have been completed. Students must submit an unofficial transcript with their application. 

For Certificate course substitutions, do students have to fill out a form or email a specific individual? Who should students contact to request Certificate course substitutions? For a course substitution, the student needs to meet with the advisor of the certificate. For Yoga and Pilates, Alix Plum is the advisor. The PE Dept. Coordinator, currently Tim Byrnes, is the advisor for all the other certificates. 

If a student is approved to use a course from another college or university, are they required to have official transcripts on file with Admissions and Records? If a student is requesting to use a course from another college or university, we require Official transcripts from the college along with the page from the college catalog showing the class description.  Other college official transcripts do not have to be on file with Admissions. 

 Are there due dates or deadlines to submit the certificate applications and/or certificate substitutions? Students must submit the application once they have completed the program.  

How long after the certificate application is submitted can a student expect to receive their certificate? Students should receive their certificate no later than 4 – 6 weeks.  


Tech and Engineering Division:

  • Advise students to only submit application when “all” grades are noted on the application.
  •  At least one half of the units toward the certificate must be completed at Fullerton College.
  • Certificate applications are found here: https://techeng.fullcoll.edu/certificate-applications/
  • If the certificate is not on the website, please advise student to email Tina Maertens, TMaertens@fullcoll.edu for the application.
  • * Cosmetology Students do not need to apply for their certificates.  Certificates are automatically issued after successful completion of the program.
  • To request a course substitution, students are advised to connect with the department coordinator. (Dept Coordinator info found at the bottom of this page: https://techeng.fullcoll.edu)
  • Approved course substitutions from another college require that the official transcripts, either be attached to the graduation application in a sealed envelope or on file with Admissions and Records.  If the official transcript is on file with Admissions and Records then students should make a note on the application that the official transcripts are on file with Admissions and Records.
  • Certificates usually take 4-6 weeks to process. For questions regarding the certificate applications, contact Tina Maertens, TMaertens@fullcoll.edu.
CTE Program Promo Videos and FC CTE Social Media

CTE Promo Videos:

  • Automotive
  • Biotech
  • Business (Entrepreneurship)
  • Cinema and Television Production Facilities
  • Cinema and Television Program
  • Construction
  • Drone Technology
  • Fashion Design
  • Career Education (Spanish)
  • Machine Technology
  • Photography

New Drone Videos:

You Tube Channel for the Business and CIS Division:

  • Business
  • Cyber Security
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Paralegal Studies
  • Real Estate
  • Accounting
  • Study Abroad 2022 – Seville Spain


Career Education FullColl YouTube Channel

CTE FullColl Instagram

CTE Division Websites
Business and Computer Information Systems Division Website 

  • Certificate Programs in the BUS/CIS Division include: Accounting, Computer Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Paralegal Studies, Real Estate, and more.
  • Videos to promote programs from this Division can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZz9tHq8j_Ds7W951CJO38w

Technology and Engineering Division Website

  • 2020-2021 Dept Coordinators for Tech and Eng
  • Certificate Programs in the Tech and Engineering Division include: Administration of Justice, Architecture, Automotive, Construction, Cosmetology, Fashion, Interior Design, Journalism, Machine Technology, Photography, Radio & TV/Video Production, Printing Technology, Welding Technology, and more.

Fine Arts Division Website

  • Certificate Programs in Fine Arts Division include: Advertising and Graphic Design, Digital Arts, Illustration, Museum Studies, Music, Theatre Arts, and more.

Natural Sciences Division Website

  • Certificate Programs in the Natural Sciences Division include: Biotechnology, Horticulture, Nutrition and Foods Skills, and more.

Physical Education Division Website

  • Certificate Programs in the PE Division include: Dance Teaching, Personal Trainer, Pilates, and more.

Social Sciences Division Website

Career Education Flyers and Brochures
CTE Credit for ROP Courses
  • If you have any questions or need any help with the Articulation process, please contact 714.992.7010

    CTE Director
    Fullerton College
    321 E. Chapman Avenue
    Fullerton, CA 92832

Career Education Staff Training Presentations
2/23/22 Career Education Mini-Training

Aug_2021_ New Adjunct Training CTE   (Paralegal Studies, Cosmetology, & Welding Technology discussed)

CTE Scholarships

Career Education Program Resources

Accounting - Fullerton College Accounting Pathway (FCAP)
Administration of Justice
Counseling Notes:

Points of Interest and Clarification_AJ & Crime Scene Investigation  – Counselors Notes and Suggested Sequence

Department Newsletters:

  • Prof. Alan Ray, Architecture Program Coordinator, has approved the following substitutions for Spring 2025 – Fall 2025 on the Architecture Associate in Science Degree and Architectural CAD Technology Certificate:

    • ARCH 227_F Internship in Architecture can be replaced with TECH 295_F, CSTR 030_F, or CSTR 035_F.
    • CSTR 035_F CA Accessibility and Energy Codes can be replaced with any of the following: CSTR 112_F, CSTR 031_F, CSTR 030_F, CSTR 060_F, CSTR 028_F or CSTR 041_F.

    A Petition to Substitute Graduation Requirements will be required for these substitutions for the Architecture Associate in Science Degree. There is not a Petition to Substitute requirements for the certificate. 

  • Become an Architect with an AS
  • Points of Interest and Clarification for Architecture AS and Cert (includes suggested sequence)


New School of Architecture & Design (9/22/21 Presentation)

Automotive Technology

Automotive Technology

The Automotive Technology Department has revised all courses to 100 level which means they are also CSU transferable. These changes are effective in Fall 2024 and should be reflected in the 2024/25 catalog.

A&R has confirmed that students will not need to submit Petitions to Submit Graduation Requirements for old or new corresponding courses when applying for the Automotive Technology Associate in Science Degree. The Automotive Technology Department has also confirmed that students do not need to request substitutions for old or new corresponding courses when applying for certificates.

Additional Counseling Notes & Resources:



  • 9/29/20 Biotech Level I- Lab Assistant Certificate update from Jon-Michael Hattabaugh
    • Students who take BIOL 272 will now be allowed to use it as a substitute for  BIOL 190/190LF as part of the Level I Certificate requirements. Many times, this applies to Biology/Biochemistry majors who also want to receive the Biotech certificate prior to transfer. In this scenario, they will have to take BIOL 191 and will already have met the CHEM requirement as part of the BIOL 272 prerequisite. Here is a link to the Biotech website that shows the certificates – https://fcbiotech.weebly.com/certificates.html.
    • Note: If the student chooses to substitute 272 for 190 and 190L, they may do so for the purposes of the first certificate. However, they cannot double count 272 as both a core certificate course in lieu of 190 and 190L *and* an elective course for a second or third certificate in the stack. Simply put, if they use 272 instead of 190 and 190L then they cannot use it as an elective later; they must take a *different* elective course instead of 272 in that case. Certificates are awarded by the Department and, for the time being, students can follow up with their Biotech instructors regarding appropriate substitute courses for the level 2&3 certificates.
  • Please Note: Students working towards earning the Biotech Lab Assistant Skills Certificate who would like to take the Chemistry Assessment in lieu of a class (Chem 101_F or Chem 107_F) must earn a passing score on the Chemistry Proficiency Test (23+). If students pass the Chem assessment, Counselor can send an email to Antoinette Triefenbach (email: atriefenbach@fullcoll.edu) with the student’s information (name, student ID, verifying that they passed) when they are applying for the Biotech Lab Assistant Skills Certificate.

Transfer – The Associate in Science Biological Technician is eligible for direct transfer to Mira Costa College or Solano College for B.S. in Biomanufacturing.

Business and CIS Division Website:

  • Program Information
  • Internship Program
  • Certificate Application and Petition to Substitute Certificate Requirements
  • New Certificate descriptions found here: https://buscis.fullcoll.edu/business-buzzy-blog/
      • Computer Game Design Certificate
      • Computer Game Programming Skills Certificate
      • Mobile Applications Entrepreneur Certificate
      • Entry-Level Accounting Certificate
      • The Business of Art Certificate
      • Small Business Bookkeeping Certificate
      • Payroll Accounting Certificate
      • Advanced Bookkeeping Certificate
      • Cost Accounting Certificate
  • YouTube Promotional Videos for the Division
Child Development & Educational Studies
CDES Presentation to CE Counselors March 2022 Career Education Meeting CDES
Cinema and Television
Computer Info Systems and Cyber Security



Construction Technology

Pending: New Pathway to earn a Bachelor of Applied Science with Cal Southern University

Jonathan Keller, Construction Technology Program Coordinator, is collaborating with Cal Southern University to establish a pathway for the Construction Management Associate in Science Degree program to articulate with Cal Southern Univ’s Bachelor of Applied Science program.  Benefits include transferring up to 90 units towards the bachelors, enabling students to complete the bachelors online in just one year, at a cost of approximately 12K.  The articulation agreement is still pending.  The program anticipates having the agreement finalized by summer 2024.

Best class to take to explore the major: 

  • Construction Inspection -> CSTR 06 Plumbing and Mechanical systems or CSTR 07 Electrical Systems
  • General Contractor best intro courses-> CSTR 06, 07, 14, 15, and 100.  Follow Construction Tech Cert Required courses.
  • Construction Management -> CSTR 30 and (CSTR 100 and 102 – which gives you more of a background on process and what is going on in the field.  Then take CSTR 110.  

How do you become a Contractor?

CSTR 014 Contractor’s License Law explains the process to become a Contractor

To qualify to sit for the contractors license exam, the applicant must have:

  1. 4 years Journeyman direct experience within the last 10 years before applying or
  2. 4 years at Supervisor level experience within the last 10 years before applying or
  3. With an AS degree in Construction Management, Construction Tech AS, Inspection AS, or business (like the Business Admin AA or AS-T) remove 1 ½ years from the 4 or
  4. With a BS degree in Construction Management or business remove 2 years from the 4 or
  5. Have been working for a licensed family construction business and the principle has died or
  6. Hire a qualifying individual who has the qualifications and have them ‘qualify’ her for the license.

Project Coordinators and Administrators: for students interested in working as project coordinators/administrators (positions that involve working out in the field and working in the office) are recommended to take Construction Management but to also take additional courses that are hands on and more in depth.

What job/career opportunities do your degrees and certificates prepare students for?  (Stories of student successes and struggles are always helpful)

Construction Degree and Certificates


Certificate – Construction Estimating Skills

Jr Estimator (entry level)  $15-18/hr

Associate of Science Degree – Construction Inspection (+ ICC)


Certificate – Construction Inspection (+ ICC)



Deputy Inspector (privately employed inspector with an engineering company or contractor $18-22/hr, $36-45K annually.  Rate of pay depends on experience. Experienced $42-55K+ (take home not including benefits package)

Building Inspector with a local building dept. (ie City, county or state building departments) 50K+ with full benefits

Associate in Science Degree – Construction Management


Entry level into management construction positions and entry level real estate firms. Insurance appraisal entry level positions (Management AS and Construction Estimating skills Cert).  Starting with AS 50K+. Experience + AS $100,000+

Associate in Science Degree – Construction Technology



Starting with AS 50K+.

Experience + AS $100,000+

Across the industry Bachelors degrees are becoming more desirable in mid to large construction management firms (ie. Snyder/Langstrom, CW Driver, Grey Construction).

Construction Program – Course Subs

Transfer considerations:

Cosmetology (Barbering & Esthetician)

Cosmetology: Website

Please Note: There are no plans to offer the Esthetician or Barbering Crossover programs in Fall 2024-Spring 2025.

    • Cosmo Enrollment Info Spring 2025
    • 2025 SP_Instructional Techniques Program Info flier
    • Barbering Crossover Program Update 5/2024
      • Not currently being offered. Please check the department website for updates. The department has the intention in the future to offer one Barbering course as a crossover course from Cosmetology to Barbering. This crossover course will be a 200-hour course for those who already have their Cosmetology license or completed the 1600-hour Cosmetology Program and want their Barbering license (dual license).

      Esthetician Certificate Update 5/2024

      • Esthetician courses are not being offered until further notice. We do encourage students to check our Cosmetology website regularly for updates, as this could change in the future.

      The following community colleges offer Esthetician programs:

      • Citrus College
      • Golden West College
      • Cerritos College
      • Saddleback College

Cosmetology Instructor

Program Information found here: https://cosmetology.fullcoll.edu/programscourses/

  • The 600-hour program can be completed in 3-5 semesters
  • Fall term begins 8/22/22 (& students must be registered prior to participate on 1st day Orientation)
  • Recommended 1st semester:
    1. COSM 060 F scheduled every Monday 10:15am – 4pm (Zoom)
    2. COSM 060LF scheduled Cosmetology Classroom Observation every Tuesday 7am – 4:30pm (Zoom) + HYBRID Assignments (3-hours per week)

How to work as a Cosmetology Instructor at a community college in California

Cosmetology Program and SB 803 (Effective January 1, 2022)

  • SB 803 reduces the licensing requirements for barbering and cosmetology courses to 1,000 hrs. The removal of 600 hrs reduces the amount of training students will be required to receive in hairstyling and chemical hair services. The FC Cosmetology Department plans to continue offering the current 1,600 hr program until further notice, and are developing and planning to offer 1,000 hr and 600 hr course programs as soon as possible (this may take a few years).  Students will not earn their Cosmetology Certificate from Fullerton College for completing 1,000 of the 1,600 hrs required by the Fullerton College Cosmetology Certificate program.  In light of the changes, you may encounter students that choose to shop around for other 1,000 hr programs.  However, Fullerton College’s reputable Cosmetology Program still remains a more affordable option when compared with private cosmetology schools.  It also remains to be seen if employers will favor cosmetologists licensed with more training versus those licensed with only 1,000 hrs of training.

Transferring Cosmetology hours from another Cosmetology Program:

  • Fullerton College’s Cosmetology program does not accept prior hours or operations from other Cosmetology programs regardless of proof of training. All students must start the program from Level 1.

Transfer Program Options:

CE Program Resources (continued)

Digital Marketing Certificate
Entertainment Arts & Digital Arts (DART)

Presentation for Career Education Counselors Summit March 2023: DART_Program_Presentation_031223-KJH

Presentation for CE Counselors:  Entertainment Arts Program_Nov_2022

Interior Design
Counselor Notes:

  • Please encourage all students interested in the Interior Design profession to meet with Interior Design Dept. Coordinator, Adriana Currie, for guidance. acurrie@fullcoll.edu; 714-267-2288 (cell).
  • Please use the Sequence Guide when planning for the degree and certificates
  • For transfer students interested in CSULB, plan Art 120 & 121 in the third and fourth semester.

Sequence Guide ID Classes 1-20-2022

Fullerton College Interior Design Program Website

Manufacturing and Machine Tech
Massage Therapy Instructional Program - Discontinued
The Curriculum Committee approved the deletion of the Level I certificate spring 2020.  There are no plans to bring the program back. The Level II certificate was never state approved and should not be in the catalog.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Dean of Physical Education David Grossman.

Paralegal Studies

Paralegal Studies


PLEG 207 no longer being offered

As part of the changes to the Paralegal Studies Program curriculum (Effective Fall 2023), PLEG 207 – Computer Assisted Legal Research is no longer a required course.  Additionally, this course will not be available beyond spring 2024.  Students who are following the Paralegal Studies curriculum prior to Fall 2023 and have not taken PLEG 207 are advised to take PLEG 223 and to submit a Petition to Substitute Graduation Requirements for the Degree.  A Petition to Substitute Certificate Requirements is also required to be submitted for students earning the Certificate and following the curriculum prior to Fall 2023.

The Paralegal Studies Certificate Application and Certificate Substitution Forms can be found here: https://buscis.fullcoll.edu/paralegal/

New PLEG restricted elective courses were approved in fall 2023.  Students following program curriculum prior to fall 2023 may take the new restricted elective courses and count them towards their restricted electives.  Per A&R, the Petition to Substitute Grad Requirements form is not required.

Counseling Notes:

  • The Paralegal Studies Certificate may be awarded to those students completing the required coursework, and that have an Associate in Science Degree, an Associate of Arts Degree, a Bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university. The ABA does not accept technical/vocational degrees to meet the Certificate requirement. This is under Guideline G-302(c)(F).
  • Important paralegal fact: earning the Paralegal Studies Certificate = certificated paralegal. To call yourself a “certified” paralegal = you must study for and pass a certification exam offered by associations like NALA
  • PLEG 105_F: The English 100 F prerequisite for PLEG 105 F can be waived if the student has earned a bachelor’s degree (including PLEG certificate approved international bachelor’s degrees). This waiver does not entitle the student to credit for English 100 F on the ABA approved PLEG Gen Ed pattern.
  • Credit for Military Training on the ABA approved AA/AS GE Pattern:  Credit for military training on the ABA approved Paralegal Studies Associate in Science Degree General Education Pattern is available. Students may receive credit for the PE requirement.  Military credit can be requested using this link: https://fullcoll.formstack.com/workflows/dd214_military_credit
  • Paralegal Studies A.S. & International Transcripts: International courses cannot be used for general education or major courses required for the Paralegal Studies Associate in Science degree. For elective credit to be potentially applied to the Paralegal Studies Associate in Science Degree, a student must obtain a comprehensive, detailed report from one of two Fullerton College approved evaluation services: ACEI or IERF
  • Paralegal Studies Certificate Requirement & International Transcripts: A bachelor’s degree (or higher) from an International University that is not accredited by the U.S. Dept of Education and not U.S. regionally accredited cannot be applied to the certificate requirement of possessing an AA, AS, BA, BS or higher degree.
  • PLEG Gen Ed Pattern: It does not matter when a course was taken as long as it is on the current ABA approved PLEG Gen Ed Pattern.  Any course completed at another college must be equivalent to the Fullerton College course listed on the ABA approved PLEG Gen Ed Pattern. Official transcripts from that college showing student received a grade of C or better in the equivalent course must be on file with Admissions & Records.
  • Students who wish to transfer Paralegal Studies units (up to a maximum of six (6) units) must obtain prior approval from the Paralegal Department Coordinator or the Business Division Dean.  See link for ABA approved programs in California.
  • AP Credit: If a student earned a score on an AP exam that we grant Fullerton College course credit, the student can receive credit on the ABA approved GE pattern (assuming the course is listed on the pattern).
  • CLEP Exam Credit: The only CLEP exam that students can take to receive credit on the ABA approved Paralegal Studies General Education Pattern is the CLEP College Composition (non-modular) exam.  Receiving a passing score of 50+  allows for ENGL 100 credit on the ABA approved Paralegal Studies General Education Pattern
  • PLEG 223 F Advanced Legal Research & Writing – More and more lawyers depend on their paralegals to write well and persuasively.  This course is recommended for all Paralegal Studies students, but especially for those that are not strong writers.
  • PLEG 215 F Discovery in Electronic Age – Many attorneys are not versed in E-Discovery but are expected to retain at least someone on their staff or work with a consultant skilled in E-Discovery.  That said, this course can be advantageous for Paralegal employment opportunities.  Students will learn everything from data collection to trial presentation.  Upon completion of this course, students will achieve their eDiscovery Technology Certificate from the National Society for Legal Technology (NSLT).  Additionally, curriculum from this course will prepare students to sit for the E-Discovery Executive (eDEX) Certificate offered by the Association of Certified Electronic Discovery Specialists (ACEDS), which is the first step towards getting the Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) Certification.

Paralegal Associations

UCI Pre-Law Program    For more info contact: Estuardo Ponciano, eponciano@law.uci.edu

Transfer Articulation Agreements

  • PLEASE NOTE: (Fall 2022) The Fullerton College Photography Department is no longer offering Analog/Film courses. All Photo courses are being taught using Digital Cameras. PHOT 101 has replaced PHOT 111 as the Introduction to Digital Photography.  PHOT 111 is being phased out but will continue to be offered on a limited basis until spring 2024 to accommodate students earning the Crime Scene Investigation Certificate.  Please encourage students to take PHOT 101.
  • PLEASE NOTE: (Fall 2021), JOUR 290 will be accepted as a substitute for PHOT 290 for both Certificate and AA Degree. (A Petition to Substitute Graduation Requirements will only be be required for the AA degree)
  • Photography AA Suggested Sequence
  • Professional Photography Certificate Suggested Sequence
  • Photography Points of Interest and Clarification
Theatre Arts
Radiologic Technology
Real Estate
Points of Interest and Clarification_Welding Tech (5/3/21)

Program Updates (8/14/19)

  • WELD 121AF has been replaced with WELD 100_F
  • WELD 121BF has been replaced with WELD 120_F.
  • Welding courses with co-requisites listed means that the student can enroll in the course if they have either completed the co-requisite course and earned a grade of C or better or are concurrently enrolled in the co-requisite course.
  • Students beginning the Welding program are advised to take either WELD 100_F or WELD 091AF first.  They should plan to take the WELD 91 series (AF, BF, CF and DF) in order.
  • Students who are also interested in earning an Associate’s degree are advised to follow the Manufacturing Technology Associate in Science Degree – Welding Concentration.
Apprenticeship Programs