Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester

Keep up to date with your Educational Plan! Meet with a counselor to check your academic progress!

Counseling Department Programs

Fullerton College Counseling Program houses many programs. Check out the various offices and services within the Counseling Department!

Cohort Programs

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The Puente Program is an academic, counseling and mentoring program that has improved college persistence and success rates for thousands of California’s educationally under-served students.

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STEM Success Learning Community

The STEM Success Learning Community (STEM SLC) is first-year experience and beyond program that supports students as they pursue STEM major/career pathways. The mission of the STEM SLC is to Connect- Support- and Complete.

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Umoja Program

We have counselors that help students create academic goals. Meet with an Umoja Counselor to review Educational Plan, discuss career goals, transfer opportunities and more.

Career Development

Career Center

Career Center

The Career Center provides students assistance with making informed decisions about choosing a major and purposefully preparing for a career. There are two programs within the Career Center: Career Exploration and Career Readiness offering a range of resources and services, starting with the Hornet Career Journey.

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Internship Program

Students enrolled in a qualifying Master’s Degree Program may join an Internship Program.

Student Support

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Pathways to Success

Pathways to Success will engage, connect, and elevate students with key milestones such as exploration, declaration, and graduation. Learn more through our Canvas Shell!



Re-Entry is a campus program designed for Re-Entry and/or non-traditional students.  Our goal is to guide, connect, and offer support for the greatest possible academic success.  We understand the specific and unique challenges our adult learners face and believe our services are tailored to meet your needs.


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Transfer Center

There are many steps to transfer, from college exploration to college selection, major exploration to major preparation, not to mention the entire application process. The center provides services to help you explore, prepare, and succeed in your transfer plans. The Transfer Center can help you every step of the way!

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Group Advising

Group Advising is for all incoming first time college students, attendance is limited to students who have scheduled an appointment for that session.

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Promise Program

The Promise Program provides 2 years of free tuition to first-time college students. We want to help students with the cost of college by covering the enrollment and health fees through the North Orange Promise Fee Waiver. The program also provides wrap around services to first-time and continuing Promise students.

Current Students

Fullerton College Current Students

Students have the flexibility to shape their college experience by choosing in-person and/or online services and instruction. Fullerton College faculty and staff will be there at each step of the way to support students throughout their journey. Learn about all resources available to students.


Fullerton College Academic Support

Achieving your educational goals is hard work, but you’re not alone. We will give you the support you need to succeed. Learn about all academic support available to students.

Student Support

Fullerton College Student Support Services

The Student Support Services Division Office is committed to the success of all Fullerton College students. Learn about the programs within Student Support Services