Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester

Keep up to date with your Educational Plan! Meet with a counselor to check your academic progress!

Prerequisites, Corequisites & Advisories

Clear your prerequisites before your registration date! Before your online registration date check to see if your choice of courses have prerequisites. Prerequisites must be cleared prior to enrollment. Plan ahead and take care of this as early as possible to avoid waiting in long lines and possible delays to your enrollment in classes.


Prerequisites, Corequisites, & Advisories

Generally, prerequisites are met through the satisfactory completion of appropriate coursework (i.e. with grades of “C” or higher). In some circumstances, with certain English, ESL, math and reading classes a prerequisite requirement may be met based on high school performance via a high school transcript, another college transcript, certain Advanced Placement (AP) test scores or an assessment test score from another California Community College (the test score must be less than 2 years old).  Please be advised that assessment testing at California Community College’s has been replaced by alternative multiple measure assessment placement; You may read more about this here: Assembly Bill 705 (AB 705).

What is a Prerequisite?

When a course has a prerequisite, it means that a student must have certain documentable skills and⁄or knowledge before entering the course. This knowledge is considered necessary for a student to succeed in the course. The prior knowledge may be a skill (types 35 words per minute), a license or certificate (possession of a current Cosmetology License), an ability (speaks and writes Spanish fluently), a test score (writing assessment test score), or successful completion of a prior course (English 60 F with a grade of “C” or better). The student must complete the prerequisite successfully, with a grade of “C” or better, before enrolling in the course; D, F or NC grades are not acceptable.

What is a Corequisite?

When a course has a corequisite, it means that a student must take another specific course concurrently with the course for which it is required. In some cases, the corequisite course may be taken prior to the course for which it is required. However, in these instances the corequisite course must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. For example, with many lab courses in the sciences, students may take the required lecture course either prior to the lab or concurrently with it.

What is an Advisory?

When a course has an advisory, it means that certain preparation is recommended before a student enters the course. The preparation is considered advantageous for a student to succeed in the course. Since the preparation is recommended, the student is advised, but not required, to meet the condition before or in conjunction with enrollment in the course or educational program. For example, an introductory course in design concepts is advised to help give students the skills to succeed in more specialized art courses.

How to clear a prerequisite which has been met at either Fullerton College or Cypress College?

A prerequisite or corequisite requirement may be fulfilled through the completion of an appropriate course with a grade of “C” or higher or (in some cases) by high school performance via a high school transcript, another college transcript, certain Advanced Placement (AP) test scores or an assessment test score from another California Community College (the test score must be less than 2 years old).  Please be advised that assessment testing at California Community College’s has been replaced by alternative multiple measure assessment placement; You may read more about this here: Assembly Bill 705 (AB 705).

Is the prerequisite/corequisite from either Fullerton College or Cypress College? If so, then you should be automatically cleared by the registration system if:

  • You are currently enrolled in the appropriate prerequisite course at Fullerton College or Cypress College, or
  • You have completed the appropriate prerequisite course at Fullerton College or Cypress College, or
  • You have completed the Fullerton College or Cypress College assessment process and placed into a specific course level in English or English as a Second Language (ESL), reading, and math
  • You, as a Fullerton College chemistry student, have taken the Chemistry assessment test at Fullerton College and received the appropriate score for placement

If the appropriate conditions above apply to you, then you should attempt to enroll in the course on your designated registration day/time through myGateway. If you encounter difficulty due to a prerequisite/corequisite restriction, contact the Fullerton College Counseling Department as soon as possible at (714) 992-7084.

How to clear a prerequisite which has been met at a college other than Fullerton College or Cypress College?

Is the prerequisite/corequisite from a college other than Fullerton College or Cypress College? If so, then request a General Information appointment and provide the following to the Fullerton College Counseling Center:

  • High school transcripts, transcripts from another college (unofficial transcripts are acceptable) and/or other appropriate documentation indicating completion of the prerequisite course; all coursework used to meet prerequisite requirements must be completed with a grade of “C” or better, in progress work or grade cards will not be accepted.

Prerequisite and/or corequisite clearances may be done in either a General Information session (brief meeting with a counselor) or a Counseling Appointment (45 minute meeting via video conferencing or telephone). If a student only needs a prerequisite and/or corequisite clearance it is recommended this be done in a General Information session.