Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester

Keep up to date with your Educational Plan! Meet with a counselor to check your academic progress!

Counseling Courses

The Fullerton College Counseling Department offers a variety of courses to assist you in all aspects of life.  Enroll in courses that promote student success, career development and exploration, motivation, leadership development, personal growth, financial literacy and other topics.

Use the searchable class schedule to find counseling courses offered this semester. 

COUN 071 F Adaptive Computer Access (.5 to 2 Units)
Pass/No Pass only.
Open Entry/Open Exit.
Advisory: Actively participate in the Disability Support Services (DSS) intake process with a DSS counselor.
4.5-27 hours lecture and 13.5-81 hours lab per term. This course is designed for students with learning, visual, physical, communicative disabilities or acquired brain injuries. Students will receive guided instruction/application in the introduction and use of computers and adaptive computer access technologies within the context of word processing.
COUN 072 F Learning Assessment (.5 Unit)

Pass/No Pass only.
Open Entry/Open Exit.
Advisory: Eligibility for services from Disability Support Services.
9 hours lecture per term. This course is an intensive diagnostic learning assessment for students referred to Disability Support Services. Emphasis is placed on determining the learning strengths and weaknesses of these students. Through the assessment process, students will develop learning strategies, study skills and educational goals to help them improve basic skills, educational planning, and academic performance. A student educational contract (SEC) outlining long-term goals/short-term objectives for identified eligible students with learning disabilities will be developed.

COUN 075 F Adaptive Computer Access Learning Strategies: (.5 to 2 Units)
Pass/No Pass only.
Open Entry/Open Exit.
Advisory: Actively participate in the Disability Support Services (DSS) intake process with a DSS counselor.
4.5-27 hours lecture and 13.5-81 hours lab per term. This course is designed to help all students with disabilities identify their educational weaknesses and develop strategies to overcome and/ or mitigate their limitations and weaknesses. Students will receive computer-assisted instruction to improve learning strategies, problem solving and cognitive skills and proficiency in basic skills areas.
COUN 100 F Orientation for College Success (1 Unit)
Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
18 hours lecture per term. This course is recommended for all incoming college freshman and satisfies the California Community Colleges matriculation requirements of assessment, orientation and counseling. This course is designed to familiarize students with college and contains an introduction to the principles of student development theory, student conduct, academic procedures, college policies, goal setting, educational and career planning, and college and student support services. Students will learn academic options in higher education and develop a tentative educational plan to achieve personal and academic goals. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)
COUN 101 F The College Experience (2 Units)
36 hours lecture per term. This course will facilitate an understanding of the issues involved in having a successful college experience. The emphasis includes four major components of study: self-exploration; development of academic and survival skills; awareness of higher education; and transfer exploration and vocational options. Topics will include: student development theory, purpose for attending college, maintaining health, development of positive self-esteem, strategies for living a balanced life, and acquisition of academic and survival skills. Students will develop knowledge of college resources, policies and procedures. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 110 F Teaching As A Career (3 to 4 Units)
Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
36 hours lecture and 54-108 hours lab per term. This course is an orientation to teaching as a profession. This course surveys the nature of the work, qualifications, supply and demand for teachers. A field work experience including observation and assistance in a school and/or community agency is required. This course is designed for prospective teachers. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 135 F Introduction to Leadership Development (3 Units)
(same as STSV 135 F)
54 hours lecture per term. This course is designed to provide emerging and existing student leaders the opportunity to explore the concept of leadership and to develop and improve their leadership skills for application in multiple roles throughout their lifetime. Students will learn the role that communication, motivation, delegation, self-assessment, planning, time management, stress management, evaluation and governance play in developing successful leaders, working relationships, and organizations. Focus will include parliamentary procedure, program development,
stress reduction, and time management. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 136 F Applied Leadership (1 Unit)
(same as STSV 136 F)
18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. The course is designed to give students the skills and proper knowledge to participate in student government. Students critically reflect on their goals, objectives and action plans and review their own performance along with assessing the organizational environment. This course is equivalent to STSV 136 F, three units maximum can be earned for any combination. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 140 F Educational Planning (0.5 Unit)

Pass/No Pass only. 9 hours lecture per term. This course includes: an orientation to college life, responsibilities, requirements, and regulations; an overview of the assessment process; certificates, occupational degrees, and transfer degrees; the transfer process; career guidance for selection of a major plan of study. Students taking this course will receive an overview of graduation requirements, transfer requirements, campus policies, student services, and career planning. Strongly recommended for first-time students with declared majors or enrollment in specific programs. Course sections may be designated for specific majors or programs. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

COUN 141 F Career Exploration (1 Unit)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option. 18 hours lecture per term. This course is designed to introduce students to a career decision-making process which includes both evaluation of the self and exploration of the world of work. Self-evaluation activities include identification of personality/temperament, interests, skills, goals and values. Career research activities are utilized to examine the world at work. The focus of the course is on self-description in relation to the choice of occupation and career. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

COUN 143 F Creative Job Search (1 Unit)
Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
18 hours lecture per term. This course will cover the basic practical aspects of conducting a successful job search. The focus will be on application, cover letter, resume, and interview as well as labor market research. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 144 F Career Motivation and Self Confidence (1 Unit)
Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
18 hours lecture per term. This course is designed to help students identify individual differences, examine personal characteristics and behavior, and evaluate self-concept. Students will interpret information and apply knowledge of self as related to career demands and opportunities with increased motivation and self-confidence. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 148 F Human Potential (1 Unit)
Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
18 hours lecture per term. This course will help students to understand and enhance their self-concept through an exploration of how that self-concept directs behavior patterns. This course will also enable students to examine and assess their strengths and potential, values and decision-making skills in order to develop an improved self-concept, and improve communication and listening skills. By becoming aware of their individual potential, students can plan and achieve their educational goals. (CSU) (Degree Credit)
COUN 151 F Career and College Success (3 Units)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
54 hours lecture per term. This course is designed to teach strategies for success to promote academic and lifelong learning through the integration of career and academic planning. Topics include intensive career investigation, assessment of interest, personality, skills, values, and other personal qualities that coincide with educational and career success; application of career and lifespan development theory; psychological and social issues that impact career and life choices; decision making; time management; goal setting; learning and life management strategies; job search and career building techniques. This course emphasizes empowering students take charge of their academic, career, and personal decisions through the integration of career exploration and individual educational planning. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

COUN 152 F Diversity in the World of Work (3 Units)
54 hours lecture per term. This course explores the influence of factors such as gender, age, abilities, ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status on past, present and future working conditions, career development, and labor market trends in the United States. This course fulfills the Multicultural Education Requirement for graduation. (CSU) (Degree Credit) AA GE, MULT CULT REQ
COUN 160 F Academic Success (3 Units) (formerly COUN 060 F)

54 hours lecture per term. This course provides an exploration into strategies for success in college. Personal and academic development as well as lifelong learning skills will be investigated through a lens of cognitive, psychological, social, and physical factors. Topics include the transition to college, time management, decision-making, motivation, self-efficacy, study skills, health and wellness, effective communications in higher education, educational planning, and an introduction to career development. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC Credit Limitation: COUN 100 F, COUN 110 F, COUN 151 F and COUN 160 F combined maximum credit, one course)

COUN 161 F Assertion Skills/Communication (1 Unit)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
18 hours lecture per term. This course will equip students with a basic understanding of assertive communication and present skills, techniques and strategies for implementation of assertive communication behaviors. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

COUN 163 F Personal Growth and Life Transitions (3 Units)
54 hours lecture per term. This course will introduce students to life skills that can help them to achieve greater success in their educational, professional and personal lives. Topics include exploring one’s life purpose, managing changes and transitions, achieving academic and career satisfaction, internal and external influences on educational and career pursuits, creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and learning and employing effective communication skills and success strategies. Students will assess the impact these factors have on their lives in regards to decision making and assist them in identifying proactive skills for leading a purposeful life. (CSU) (Degree Credit) AA GE, CSU GE
COUN 193 F Financial Life Skills (formerly COUN 093 F) (2 Units)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option. 36 hours lecture per term. This course is designed to assist students in understanding basic strategies for managing college and personal finances. Students will increase their knowledge in accessing available forms of financial assistance and maximizing finances for timely degree completion and/or transfer. Students will develop a basic understanding of adult-related tasks such as personal budget management, calculating cost of education, how to deal with financial difficulties, maximizing their financial aid benefits and other financial resources, understanding repayment options and the consequences related to mismanaging funds. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

COUN 199 F Counseling/Guidance: Independent Study (.5 to 2 Units)
Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
9-36 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for students who wish to explore in depth various guidance-related topics. Unit credit may range from one-half to two units in any given semester. Consult class schedule for list of topics and to verify credit for the particular term. (CSU) (UC review required.) (Degree Credit)

Counseling Student Handbook

View our Counseling Student Handbook to learn about various processes and programs for students!

Counseling Student Handbook

Connect with a Counselor!

Need help deciding which courses to take? Connect with a counselor by making an appointment or by phone at (714) 992-7084.

Visit our Course Catalog

Fullerton College publishes a new class schedule every semester. Find out which classes are open, or browse available classes by topics here.