Re-Entry FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is the Re-Entry program?
- Re-Entry is a campus program designed for Re-Entry and/or non-traditional students. Our goal is to guide, connect, and offer support for the greatest possible academic success. We understand the specific and unique challenges our adult learners face and believe our services are tailored to meet your needs.
Who qualifies for the Re-Entry program?
Re-Entry students MUST be at least 1 of the following:
- Over the age of 24
- Parent
- Married/domestic partnership
- Returning to college after at least a 1-semester gap in education
AND be enrolled in at least 0.5 units for the current semester
How do I make an appointment with a Re-Entry counselor?
- If you would like to schedule an appointment with a Re-Entry Counselor, click here to schedule: https://esars.fullcoll.edu/eSARS/Reentry/eSARS.asp
- Or call the counseling department at 714-992-7084 to request an appointment with a Re-Entry counselor.
How can I get connected with other types of assistance to help me be successful?
- Our Re-Entry Resource Expert is here to help connect you with other programs on campus, services to assist with basic needs, and other community referrals.
- Schedule an appointment with the Re-Entry Resource Expert here: https://esars.fullcoll.edu/eSARS/ReEntry_Staff/eSARS.asp
- Or call the Re-Entry office at 714-992-7739.
How do I receive the bookstore or gas card at the end of the semester?
You can receive a bookstore supply card by attending 2 events with the Re-Entry Program. The 2 events can be any combination of the following:
- Any Re-Entry Program workshops or events (These will be sent to you via email with an RSVP link before the event, and be included in the bi-weekly newsletter)
- A counseling appointment with a Re-Entry Academic Counselor (only 1 counseling appointment can count toward the 2 requirements) Click here to schedule a counseling appointment
Note: Students MUST be enrolled in at least one course for the current semester to receive a bookstore or gas card. Card amounts vary each semester based on program funding available.
How do I receive a meal card from Re-Entry?
Meal cards are disbursed to help assist in the instance of an emergency. To request this resource, please contact Re-Entry via one of the following:
- Email re-entry@fullcoll.edu
- Call 714-992-7739
- Schedule a resource appointment: https://esars.fullcoll.edu/eSARS/ReEntry_Staff/eSARS.asp
Note: Students MUST be enrolled in at least one course for the current semester to receive a meal or gas card. Only 1 meal card per semester can be disbursed.
How do I know when there are workshops & events, and how do I sign up for them?
- All workshops/event dates, times, locations, and registration links will be sent out via email before each event.
- You can also find the next workshop/event flyer and registration link on the Re-Entry website, in the Re-Entry bi-weekly newsletter, and on the Re-Entry Canvas page.
Can I get priority registration if I am in Re-Entry?
The Re-Entry program does not offer priority registration. However, under a new regulation (AB2881), students who are parents with a child under the age of 18 are eligible for priority registration. Please contact Admissions & Records for more information
If I am a part of other campus programs, can I still utilize the resources Re-Entry provides?
YES! We would love to be a part of your network to help you succeed 🙂
We will also connect you with other campus resources and programs for extra support.