Meet with a Re-Entry academic counselor for:
Holistic and individualized academic support
Choosing a major
Education and course planning
Transcript evaluation of previous coursework
Academic Probation/Dismissal Issues
Graduation application assistance
Transfer application assistance
Career exploration
Life planning

Or call the counseling center at 714-992-7084 to request a Re-Entry counseling appointment.
*If there are no counseling appointments available, please call Re-Entry at 714-992-7739
Re-Entry Resource Appointments

Meet with the Re-Entry Coordinator for:
Re-Entry program information
Campus resources and information
Fullerton College application
Orientation assistance
Official transcript ordering assistance
Scheduling a counseling appointment
Technology assistance and referral
Check on your program requirements
Financial aid technician referral
General questions and support
Disbursement pickups
Creating a class schedule – from an existing education plan created with a counselor
Registering for classes – from an existing education plan created with a counselor