What is Re-Entry?

Re-Entry is a campus program designed for Re-Entry and/or non-traditional students. Our goal is to guide, connect, and offer support for the greatest possible academic success.

We understand the specific and unique challenges our adult learners face and believe our services are tailored to meet your needs.


Who is a Re-Entry student?

 Students who are at least 1 of the following:

– Over the age of 24

– Parents

– Married or in a domestic partnership

– Returning to college after 1 semester or more away from education

Re-Entry Services Include:


  • Counseling appointments specifically designed for Re-Entry/Non-Traditional students

  • Campus resource connection

  • Student success workshops (Registration Assistance, Time Management, Career Exploration, Canvas, etc.)

  • Social events to connect with fellow Re-Entry students

  • Registration assistance

  • Bookstore, gas, and meal cards

  • Campus printing funds


  • School supplies

  • Fullerton College swag

  • Support system of Re-Entry staff through every step of your journey

** Students enrolled in at least 1 course can earn a card by attending a minimum of 1 Check-In with Coordinator, 1 Counseling appointment and attend 1 event/workshop during the current semester. Cards will not be disbursed until the end of the semester.