Take a look around, we are here to support you!
What is Re-Entry
Re-Entry is a campus program designed for Re-Entry and/or non-traditional students. Our goal is to guide, connect, and offer support for the greatest possible academic success.
We understand the specific and unique challenges our adult learners face and believe our services are tailored to meet your needs.
Who Qualifies
Students who are at least 1 of the following:
Students ages 24+
Students who are parents
Students who are married or in a domestic partnership
Students who are returning to education after at least 1 semester away.
Services We Offer
Counseling appointments designed for Re-Entry students
Student success workshops/events
Bookstore, gas, & meal cards
FC swag and school supplies
Safe/friendly environement where students can network with other non-traditional students
Workshop and Event Topics
Re-Entry social events
Campus Resource Connection
How to Use Canvas & MyGateway
Educational Goals & Support
Time & Stress Mangement
Guest Presentations: Finanical Aid, Career Center, Transfer Center, Career Education, etc.